• Quora Testing Video Answers
    Quora is testing video answers, because, as TechCrunch notes, “sometimes it’s a lot easier to show someone how something works, the best way to complete a task, or why one thing is better than another than try to write it out for them.” Beta users are being invited to record videos as “supplements” or complete answers.
  • Quora: New Way To Learn The Breast Stroke
    The question-and-answer platform Quora is now testing a video version, useful for tasks that need a visual aid to explain them, like fixing a lawnmower, or, as in the case of Quora example, "How to do a right-round kick?" The Quora beta test seems to be going right at YouTube, where how-to videos are a strong but unheralded category
  • Musical.ly Eyes Content From NBCU, Viacom
    Musical.ly, which has been around for three years and has a young, large following, is talking to Viacom and NBC Universal about launching original content on the platform. 
  • Offensant! It's Not Called Cannes Content Fest
    Netflix is already there, but there are some who think the Cannes Film Festival may lose its focus if all kinds of content is allowed. A problem is that many of the film producers have a  big presence in other media. But while there is buzz, there are not as many buyers at the film festival as as Mipcom
  • TV's Top Ten Ain't What It Used To Be
    Recode notes that digital video fare has its problems, but one of them isn't a massive leak of viewers. It presents a chart showing Nielsen's Top Ten in 2000 compares to the same list in 2016. Sample: The number one show in 2000 was "ER" with 29 million weekly viewers, on average. In 2016, the top show was "NCIS" with 16 million. 
  • Vevo Revises App For Apple TV, Will Migrate To Other Services
    Its new Apple TV gives viewers a lot more options. Vevo says a typical TV viewer on the current app watches 80 minutes per session. While the improved app starts on Apple, it will get rolled out to the others, like Amazon, Roku, etc. Vevo also added several new hires to fortify original programming and promise a new slate of programs are around the corner.
  • 'How To Regrow Fruit' Is Tasty's Crazy Hot Video
    BuzzFeed's Tasty never expected this. The video has been seen an astonishing 232 million times and has  6.6 million shares, setting BuzzFeed records. All in one month! Recycling videos are hot, hot, hot. 
  • Why Some Are Dead Set Against VR Headsets
    There's not enough content, say many respondents to a survey. But 43% say that virtual reality headsets are far too expensive. Predictably, younger people had more positive views, but they aren't overwhelmingly interested--and they're far the most price resistant too. 
  • The Haves/Have Nots Of Streaming TV Services
    The abundance of online streaming services are not all alike. Some major cable networks are missing, but Discovery, Viacom are absent most. Here's a good chart.
  • Amazon Prime Finally Coming To Apple TV
    Apple finally plans to add Amazon’s Prime video app to Apple TV, Buzzfeed reports, citing sources. “A source familiar with the companies’ thinking say the app is expected to go live this summer, but cautioned that the hard launch date might change,” Buzzfeed writes. “Amazon had previously declined to even submit a Prime Video app for inclusion in Apple's Apple TV App Store, despite Apple's ‘all are welcome’ proclamations.”
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