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Square Partners With Facebook To Offer Ads That Can Be Gauged

The New York Times reports on Square's new integration with Facebook. Announced on Wednesday, the integration will enable small businesses that use Square to process payments to buy and target Facebook advertising using Square’s software. Square will collect subscription fees from the new product. The benefit to small businesses is that Facebook ads bought through Square’s platform are directly connected to sales activity and data, according to the Times. This will  enable business owners to understand whether their Facebook ads are working to attract new and repeat customers. “There’s a lot of excitement around buying Facebook ads, but the critical missing link is, if I put down $5, how do I know if it worked?” Saumil Mehta, Square’s customer engagement lead, told the Times. “The ability to track and close the loop from advertisement to sale — that’s the holy grail.”

Read the whole story at The New York Times »

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