Gabe Samuels
Member since May 2000Contact Gabe- Owner Gabe Samuels, Media Consultant
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Gabe is an independent Media and Research consultant and contributes occasional articles to mediaPost publications. Until the end of 2003 Gabe served as Senior Vice President, Member Services at the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) in New York City. He also managed the world-class information resources (both traditional and digital) that are the hallmark of the ARF. Previously, Gabe served for several years as Senior Vice President, Research, at the ARF. In that role he was in charge of market research projects, developing Guidelines and Standards and promoting research quality with the ARF membership. Gabe’s 30+ years senior management experience in market and media research ran the gamut from advertising agencies to advertisers and from media companies and to research agencies. A prolific writer and speaker, Gabe has been intensely active in the public arena. He has founded several industry organizations, notably the San Francisco Media Directors Council and the AD Hoc Cable Measurements Committee – which was responsible in a large measure for the early success of Cable Television as a new medium. Gabe earned his BBA degree at the Bernard Baruch College of the City University, NY and has done his Graduate work in Mathematics and Computer Science at New York University. He lives in New York City, keeps in close touch with the movers-and-shakers of the industry and – in his spare time -- is attempting to grow orchids and write on The History of Advertising Media.
Articles by Gabe All articles by Gabe
- Re:think 2014 - Great. But Don't Blink in
Online Media Daily on
The ARF conference sharply focused on the three priorities facing the ad industry: consumer engagement, rethinking ideas and rethinking the skills needed to act on them. The creative mantra: it's all about emotions.
- Neuromarketing: Problems And Possibilities in
MediaDailyNews on
Current traditional market research relies on respondents' recall, which is often faulty; truthfulness, which is often questionable; and the ability to understand why they do what they do, which is not always possible. Neuromarketing, on the other hand, relies on the objective measurement techniques listed above to understand implicit human actions, reactions and feelings.
- Is Neuromarketing Coming of Age? in
MediaDailyNews on
Neurology and marketing are now connected. Leading the charge, it appears, is the Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA), headquartered in The Netherlands.
- Young People Are Not What They Used To Be. Who Knew? in
MediaDailyNews on
In case you are wondering whether and how today's young market researchers are different from you and me, wonder no more! The ARF's Re:think 2013 served up a delightful panel of young researchers. The panel provided a definitive answer as to whether the young are different.
- 'A Riddle, Wrapped In A Mystery, Inside An Enigma' in
MediaDailyNews on
China: "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma"? This phrase -- attributed to Winston Churchill, who was referring to Russia -- appears to be an apt description of today's China.
- The ARF Re:think 2013 in
MediaDailyNews on
There have been many "missions" that the ARF aspired to fulfill over the last several decades -- none, however, have been centered around the search for and promotion of truth in research. The seeking of truth is taking the ARF back to its original mission given to it by its founder, the AAAA and the ANA.
- New View On Viewers: Maybe Distractions Aren't Such A Bad Thing, After All in
TV Board on
It is no secret that television viewing is not done in a vacuum and that viewers are distracted by the environment from paying 100% attention to television program. Past findings by media researchers, going back a half a century, have made this an indisputable fact. Therefore, media buyers and sellers accepted the fact that the ratings as provided by Nielsen and (former TV audience researcher) Arbitron and others have over-stated the true dimension of the TV audience.
- Hex Factor: ARF Forum Showcases New Social TV Analytics Platform, Offers Brand Insights Too in
Online Media Daily on
In what might be described as media's long-tail wagging its biggest dog, researchers are tapping social media to help television programmers better understand viewer reaction to and experience with TV content. During a demonstration at an ARF Thought Leader Forum in New York, Crimson Hexagon demonstrated a new platform capable of mining more than 100 billion social media data points to provided detailed -- and sometimes surprising -- insights into the way people watch television.
- Census Consensus in
MediaDailyNews on
The U.S. Census Bureau has renewed the faith of many in the ability of the government to do things right. It is clear that the protracted debates and controversies surrounding previous censuses will be greatly diminished with this year's effort.
- The Answer Is: When You Grow Up in
Online Media Daily on
Rarely do I get to use a cliché as aptly as I do in replying to the Dec. 6 Online Spin, "Will Online Measurement Stop Playing Follow The Leader?" The cliché is this: Those who choose to ignore the past are doomed to repeat it.
Comments by Gabe All comments by Gabe
- The Good News Is We're Having More Sex...
Joe Mandese
(Research Intelligencer on
Hello Coronavirals! Colleges better prepare for a wave (tsunami?) of new applicants in 2038...
- Helplessly Hoping, But Inextricably Connected
Joe Mandese
(RTBlog on
Reacting to your title: exactly!!I've been preaching into the void that it's NOT Social Distancing but Physical Distancing. I'm glad that your megaphone is louder than mine. One hopes they will listen. I, too, have been more socially connected to family and friends during these Distancing times. It's rewarding and certainly the silver lining of this difficult time.
- Obit: Pioneering Media Researcher Gale Metzger, Dead At 83
Joe Mandese
(MediaDailyNews on
Gale Metzger was a fine human being. He was soft spoken but his words carried great weight. Gale was kind and generous to everyone who was fortunate enough to know him. Besides being incredibly smart, he was, not so deceptively, tenacious in persuit of integrity. Both in research and in business!I shall miss his kindness, his sense of humor and his loyal friendship. Rest In Peace my dear friend.
- ARF Creates 'Code Of Conduct' For Consumer Researchers, Utilizes Seal Of Approval For Compliance
Joe Mandese
(MediaDailyNews on
Tony: this time we Totally agree. I was a bit rash in “summarizing”. So I still think it’s a step in the right direction, but I’m anxiously awaiting to see the teeth.
- 'Code Of Conduct' Needs Real Teeth
Tony Jarvis
(MediaDailyNews on
Tony: very well said. Keep up the good work! I just want to add a reminder to the “big players” in our industry: Social Media as we know it today is in real trouble mostly due to privacy concerns. A Strong and enforceable Code might mitigate these concerns.
- Three In Four Americans Don't Believe Social Data Targeting Is An 'Acceptable Tradeoff'
Joe Mandese
(Research Intelligencer on
@Joe: the sarcasm wasn’t directed toward you or the Research Intelligencer. I was just expressing my general thoughts and frustrations with the love affair of so many in the media with Social Media, writ large.The other set of numbers, is - as you pointed out - seriously more alarming. Begs the question: if so many find social media a waste of time??? What are they doing in that space? Methinks it’s a fertile avenue to explore. Belated thanks for publishing this! I enjoy and appreciate keeping informed.
- Three In Four Americans Don't Believe Social Data Targeting Is An 'Acceptable Tradeoff'
Joe Mandese
(Research Intelligencer on
@Joe: the sarcasm wasn’t directed toward you or the Research Intelligencer. I was just expressing my general thoughts and frustrations with the love affair of so many in the media with Social Media, writ large.The other set of numbers, is - as you pointed out - seriously more alarming. Begs the question: if so many find social media a waste of time??? What are they doing in that space? Methinks it’s a fertile avenue to explore. Belated thanks for publishing this! I enjoy and appreciate keeping informed.
- Three In Four Americans Don't Believe Social Data Targeting Is An 'Acceptable Tradeoff'
Joe Mandese
(Research Intelligencer on
I’m shocked...
- ARF Creates 'Code Of Conduct' For Consumer Researchers, Utilizes Seal Of Approval For Compliance
Joe Mandese
(MediaDailyNews on
Kudos to Scott! This is not only timely, if not overdue, it is at the heart of what the ARF is all about. Outstanding!
- Suppose They Gave A Press Briefing And Nobody Came
Joe Mandese
(Red, White & Blog on
Right on, Joe. I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m glad you said it, since you have done a much better job than I would have.i just think that the presidential tweet is not just offensive, it shows a surprising lack of understanding of the importance of the media. Send in the interns - after a few days’ “strike “ - and see whether the White House can figure out who needs whom more.

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