by Todd Wasserman on Jun 16, 6:00 AM
The news isn't all bad. Here are some positive aspects of past recessions that marketers can use to get through one that may hit in 2023.
by Todd Wasserman on Jun 15, 6:00 AM
Burger King's Austrian ad agency has apologized for the promotion of a Whopper with two "tops" and two "bottoms," a snarky reference to gay sex.
by Todd Wasserman on Jun 14, 6:00 AM
For example, according to one gaming pro, it's not that new.
by Todd Wasserman on Jun 13, 7:00 AM
Tampax launched a campaign with Schumer in July 2020. Since the campaign launched, "retail growth has exploded," P&G spokeswoman Cheri McMaster told "Time."
by Todd Wasserman on Jun 10, 8:18 AM
That's because there isn't universal acceptance of gay rights.
by Todd Wasserman on Jun 9, 6:00 AM
Among the winning categories was seltzer -- both the alcoholic and non-alcoholic kind -- and hand sanitizers.
by Todd Wasserman on Jun 8, 6:00 AM
To answer this question, Aki Technologies turned to neuroscience, measuring brainwave activity among consumers who watched the Super Bowl.
by Todd Wasserman on Jun 7, 6:00 AM
For example, Impossible Foods reported an 85% spike in quarterly revenues in December 2021.
by Todd Wasserman on Jun 6, 6:00 AM
The image of Netflix as ad-free haven is largely mistaken, since product placement appears to have already run amok on the streamer.
by Todd Wasserman on Jun 3, 6:00 AM
More than 400 businesses -- including Apple and Facebook -- signed support for the Equality Act, which would provide civil rights protection for LGBTQ+ people.