• Philosophy Muddles The Middle-Age Mindset
    That's why I responded so positively to the premise of Philosophy's "Welcome to the Age of Cool," in which Ellen Pompeo smirks off all sorts of stereotypes about the acceleration of the aging process.
  • Best Buy's 'College' Humor Undermines Brand Offering
    It'd sure be swell if Best Buy decided to focus its branding efforts around its first-rate customer-support infrastructure, rather than dabble in teen-targeted silliness like "Best Buy Presents: How to College With Adam Devine."
  • ABCd's 'Newborn Moms' Raises The Bar For Minimalist Content Plays
    I dig everything about ABC's new ABCd Originals slate of quick-hit digital series, and especially "Newborn Moms."
  • Chipotle's Premature Return to Brand Land
    Chipotle clearly thinks it's time for everyone to move on. Indeed, if there's anything to take away from "A Love Story," which debuted on Tuesday, it's that Chipotle believes the focus should be on food megachains and their sins against nutrition.
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