• Need To Know: How Fewer Links Generate More Revenue
    As Kontera, a PPC in-text ad delivery leader, refines its semantic delivery engine, publishers get paid more for having fewer words underlined on the page. How can it be? Kontera's fewer links, delivered semantically, are outperforming the other in-text models these days. Perhaps more important, the fewer links result in a less disruptive (read: annoying) reader experience.
  • Australian Lewds
    Australian beer brand Skinny Blonde isn't exactly known for its subtlety. When it first hit shelves last March, Skinny Blonde gained a reputation as the world's first nsfw brew: Thanks to "revolutionary ink technology" on the bottle's label, the voluptuous bikini-clad woman in the brand's illustrated logo loses her top as the beer gets colder. And this summer, the brand's quietly-launched new Web site (skinnyblonde.com.au/sixpack) took the titillating concept a step further.
  • Something to Dwell On
    Dean Donaldson has a point to make. And he is not shy about it. As Digital Experience Strategist at Eyeblaster, Donaldson is the man behind Eyeblaster's new measurement, Dwell Time. As is well established, everyone hates measuring by the click. People are almost tired of hating the click. The hatred runs deep and it's old. How old? "Blame Netscape," says Donaldson.
  • Some Call It Art
    Art museums have got this look-but-don't-touch policy, which is understandable - they can't just let the patrons manhandle the masterpieces. But it can make art appreciation a rather formal, distant and even intimidating exercise. WhileNew York's Museum of Modern Art midtown location was rebuilt in the early 2000s, reopening in 2004, the museum's Web site has just recently undergone its first redesign in five years.
  • Do Not Bounce With Me
    Recently I attended a conference on Google Analytics where industry guru Justin Cutroni suggested that we look at the bounce rate as an interesting way to track the percentage of consumers who, after performing a Google search, landed on content of so little interest that they immediately clicked back to the serp (Search Engine Result Page).
  • Inside Job
    Working with the in-house team: Does this dialogue sound familiar to you? Client: Meet [IT guy name], our IT guy. He'll be implementing the changes you recommend. You: Hi, [IT guy name]. Pleased to meet you. it Guy: Yeah. I know SEO, too. It's not hard.
  • Industry Watch: Calling the Shots
    Alcohol marketers try to get consumers liquored up but not out of control: Courtney and Carter Reum lived the good life as investment bankers -- working hard and playing hard. The brothers tried to balance those 80-hour work weeks with pleasure -- for example, a 2003 surfing trip to Brazil.
  • Q&A: Tim Hanlon Executive Vice President, VivaKi Ventures
    Tim Hanlon, one of Madison Ave.'s formidable digital gurus and executive vice president of VivaKi Ventures, has a clear vision of where media and marketers need to be in the digital world - even if he has to drag them kicking and screaming. On a summer Chi-town afternoon, in a window seat at Keefer's across from the storied Harry Caray's Bar on Kinzie Street, Hanlon is all about deep thought on media trends to which he gives his own labels like "IP-ization," "atomization" and "dimensionalization." He is a former journalist with a strategist's mind, and he's not afraid to use …
  • The Best Five (or Six) Years
    Forget Animal House and the old stereotypes regarding college students. Today's 18- to 24-year-olds have more than beer bongs on their minds.
  • Engines of Change
    Don't call it a "search engine." It's a "knowledge" engine or "decision" engine. The technology continues to move past hot-linked blue lines into text snippets and expandable video clips. And while executives at Google, Microsoft, WolframAlpha and others declined to speculate on what search will look like 10 years from now, they all agree it won't look anything like it does today.
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