NEW! What Goes Better With Eggs Than A 'Side Of Kevin' Bacon

kevinbaconThe American Egg Board launched an online video starring Kevin Bacon spicing up a housewife's scrambled egg breakfast. Talk about the perfect spokesman. In the two-minute video, Bacon magically appears on a woman's counter. Not the edible kind, but the actor, sprawled on the kitchen island. He educates the woman on the nutritional benefits of eggs and his dislike of bacon puns. While the woman loves the smell of bacon in the morning, Bacon loves the smell of eggs. Bacon sniffs the eggs and the woman smells Bacon just as her unsuspecting husband appears. This leads to an awkward conversation where Bacon asks the hubby to pick up more eggs and the wife asks for oil... for the pan, natch. Watch "Side of Kevin" here, created by Grey New York. Starcom handled the media buy.
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