Volvo Expands Amazon In-Car Deliveries

In a partnership with Amazon, Volvo is expanding nationwide the in-car delivery of packages to customers in the U.S.

The car delivery program has been running in Europe since 2015, according to Anders Tylman-Mikiewicz, vice president of consumer connectivity services at Volvo Cars.

“We believe that receiving a package should be as easy as ordering one,” he stated.

The Amazon Key package delivery service is being made available to all Volvo On Call subscribers who have Amazon Prime.

A consumer can shop on Amazon and then select in-car delivery at checkout.

The delivery agent locates the vehicle and places the package inside.

The consumer then receives a notification that the package has been delivered.

1 comment about "Volvo Expands Amazon In-Car Deliveries".
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  1. R MARK REASBECK from www.USAonly.US , November 6, 2019 at 7:48 p.m.

    This is so dumb on so many levels.
    1st, Notice the guy in the video is shopping while at work............normal tech nerd behavior, can't disconnect from the phone, and I'm sure what he ordered  is so important that you now have to make sure your car is "available" to be the delivery location.
    (AHHHH, since he ordered it at work, then it only make sense that it would be delivered to his car at work.)    So if you have a dinner date and the Amazon guy is trying to deliever to your car , do you have to park under a streetlight ?   You lock your car when you go into a convenience store, and you want to grant access to your car because you just can't wait  to get home and it's sitting at your door?   I'm sure hackers can't possibly record the data from your car, location, owner and otther info connected to your car.
    In the name of common sense........................WHY DO WE NEED THIS??  is your toilet paper purchase on line this critical??

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