Presidential Candidates Bloomberg, Steyer Continue To Spend Big On National TV Advertising

Democratic presidential candidates Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer, still way down in the polls, are continuing to spend big over the last month when it comes to TV advertising.

The Tom Steyer 2020 campaign has spent $17.3 million on national/regional TV commercials, while the Mike Bloomberg 2020 campaign has spent …

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  1. Ken Kurtz from creative license, December 26, 2019 at 4:04 p.m.

    Doesn't matter who spends what, as long as they identify as "D."

    Considering the self-inflicted damage the left has imposed on its own party, I'm not sure that a conglomeration candidate called John F. Carter Clinton Barack (with all the best of those four rolled up into one candidate) would be able to overcome, regardless of how much money was pissed into the wind.

    Too much Democratic garbage under the bridge, and floating downstream for a Dem to be elected in 2020. Too many people that would have NEVER considered voting for Trump are now not only willing to vote for him next year, but are SWEARING they'll vote for him because of the antics of the left. It might be another decade, or two, before this country will forget the disingenuousness, and hypocrisy of the left, and allow a Dem to become President.

    Bloomberg would be better suited challenging Trump for the Republican nomination, and that ain't saying much.

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