Mobile TV Content To Be Included In Traditional TV Measurement

Nielsen reports that software will be available in November that will let clients include mobile digital TV content from smartphones and tablets in traditional TV measurement for the 2014-2015 TV season.

"This unified encoding approach for video enables measurement to follow content across screens and ad models,” says Megan Clarken, executive vice president, global product leader for Nielsen, in a release.

This will allow TV networks, content publishers and others to follow video content across screens and ad models. For the last several months, Nielsen has been sharing this software with clients and industry leaders in how it plans to incorporate audiences viewing TV content on digital devices.

But Nielsen says there are restrictions.

For example, if a broadcaster makes a TV show available for viewing on a digital device, it needs to meet “the ad load and timeline requirements for TV ratings.”

Recently, in other early efforts to measure combined TV and digital content, Nielsen said it could only be measured if TV programs had the same exact amount of advertising time.

Content that is not eligible for traditional TV ratings -- due to elapsed crediting time, dynamic ad insertion or because it is originated on the Internet -- will be included in Nielsen Digital Ratings, specifically Nielsen Digital Program Ratings for content ratings and Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings for the ad rating, the company notes.
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