by Lisa Singer on Dec 12, 6:53 PM
"What was the driving force for for me is that I never had a dream to be a CMO. I really didn't. I never had a dream to lead marketing. What I've always had a dream to do is have a fulfilling career and change the world." And Jaclyn Cardin has certainly achieved that as the Chief Brand Officer & CMO of Organic Valley, an organic food brand and the nation's largest farmer-owned organic cooperative. As a child she wanted to make a big impact not only in her career, but in her life choices as well. In this episode …
by Lisa Singer on Dec 8, 3:28 PM
"I want her to know that it's a man's field, so being a woman in this industry is really empowering. I want to let her know that anything is's really a big deal as a woman, so I can teach my daughter and she could teach her daughter." The industry is cannabis, and the big deal for Extasy James was making history as co-founder of the first woman-owned, licensed cannabis store in New York. She credits being a mom as her motivation and wanting to build a future for her daughter. In this episode of Brand Insider: BTS, Extasy …