• Jackpot.com Exec's Winning Marketing-Tech Combo
    "We're all so crazy raw these days. I don't know if you've gone on Twitter in the last week, it's like insanity!" Karina Kogan wishes we'd all practice a little bit more 19th century decorum when interacting with one another. While the jackpot.com board member embraces the value of social media, she could do without the rude behavior. In this episode of Brand Insider: BTS, Karina talks with me about that and her struggle to relinquish control when working with influencers. She also shares her need to constantly disrupt herself, why tech intermixed throughout her career has been a "happy …
  • Why Visible by Verizon's CMO Never Just Phones It In
    "It's good...to continually reassess what you're doing in your life, and is it working? Is it not working? And what could change?" Cheryl Gresham thrives on learning and challenging herself to try new things, both personally and professionally. Probably why she's drawn to disruptor brands like Visible by Verizon. As the digital wireless provider's CMO, Cheryl believes it's important that all companies (and people) are willing to reinvent themselves. In this episode of Brand Insider: BTS, she talks with me about the value of a disruptor mentality, facing her fears, and unplugging with Bravo's housewives.
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