by frank on Nov 30, 6:02 AM
Last week, I stumbled across an article from Wired entitled "Vanish: Finding Evan Ratcliff." This article described in detail the attempt of one of the Wired authors to completely shed his old identity and create a new one for 30 days. It was part of a contest the magazine was putting on. The person who [...]
by samantha on Nov 23, 6:48 AM
I had lost sight of it, plain and simple. What's made worse is that the world has lost sight of it too, which is why people across the globe say newspapers are dying. I went to a convention in Washington, D.C. recently and paid homage to the main sights of the National Mall but was mostly [...]
by elizabeth on Nov 14, 12:48 PM
After I wrote the blog on MySpace verses Facebook, I noticed that there were a few comments and questions for me to which I would like to respond. Do I think that MySpace is more applicable for the music industry? I do think that MySpace is leaning more towards the music industry rather than social [...]
by samantha on Nov 2, 6:33 AM
I'm slowly realizing I'm becoming an adult. I called the cops on a loud party, I think that's a sure sign that the crazy shenanigans of the undergraduate years are done. That said, while I was cursing the partiers for bolting inside once the police came, I was somewhat wishing I could be one of them; [...]
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