by thiana on Aug 29, 5:37 PM
This semester I'm taking two classes on magazines. My senior English seminar is all about the history of the periodical and the huge influence magazines have on writers. Magazines are often the very first place that writers' works are published, only recently being replaced by the internet. I'm also participating this year in [...]
by jen on Aug 29, 3:37 PM
On the front door of my parents' house back home, there is a sticker that politely informs strangers that we do not welcome solicitors. Honestly, I never understood the sticker. As I read more and more about advertisers looking for ways to reach an audience in the resistant on-demand media climate, I am frustrated with [...]
by jarrod on Aug 29, 7:28 AM
Getting older is never easy. It is a painful process that strips an individual of their youthful exuberance and relegates them to the big table, where grand discussions take place. I happen to kinda like the big table. I like the grand discussions, but more than anything I like diversity in opinion and point of [...]
by travis on Aug 29, 12:41 AM
Never has the announcement of a major political party's Vice Presidential candidate been so highly anticipated; or gone so terribly wrong. For weeks leading up to the Democratic National Convention and the announcement of Barack Obama's running mate, Obama's political team touted an innovative step they were taking in the political campaign process: a text [...]
by David on Aug 21, 4:38 PM
Per a visit to their site earlier this year, one of my e-mail accounts receives the occasional mailing from the folks at Rock the Vote. Musicians. Politics. Involvement. Etc. I'm sure this audience is well aware of RtV's purpose and history. Any effort to involve youth in politics is a great effort in my book. This afternoon's [...]
by thiana on Aug 18, 12:15 PM
As an English and Spanish double major, I do indeed fit the stereotype of technologically inept nerd who reads books instead of blogs. The only programs I really use are Word, iTunes, and PowerPoint if I have to. I enjoy distancing myself from technology, but also recognize my simultaneous dependency to it.
by jen on Aug 8, 3:02 PM
Before heading off my freshman year, I was told college was a time for exploration, or experimentation, depending on which crazy uncle was recalling his glory days. Without a doubt, college exposes you to new ideas, new people and an abundance of new experiences that set the tone for your future. After college, as [...]
by august on Aug 7, 1:28 PM
I don't remember the title of the last movie I rented from a movie store but I know the movie wasn't made in 2008. Maybe 2007? Maybe? I'm betting that many of you are the same way. We all know that movie stores and DVDs have been taking a hit and won't be around much [...]
by David on Aug 4, 12:20 AM
I celebrated my 24th birthday Sunday (Saturday night, really) amid a festival of food, friends and appropriate beverages. To my friends' annoyance, however, I kept having to reach for my cell phone to acknowledge a flood of incoming text messages Sunday. There were a few friends who directly sent text messages of well wishes. A few [...]
by jen on Aug 1, 2:58 PM
In the Project for Excellence in Journalism's State of the News Media annual report, a shift to user-created content is cited as one of news media's growing trends. It's hard to deny this with the popularity and pervasiveness of public and private blogs, comment boxes and consumer reviews. Apparently we want people to know [...]