• Social Media is a Scary Beast in the hands of a good attorney
    FaceBook is now in the top ten for devices used in makinga decision to divorce and was used as a form of evidence in 46% of all divorcesacross the country last year. Just know that whatever you say, can, and will beused against in you in a court of law when you are dumb enough to post itonline. Every day I watch news stories about police finding a culprit becauseof tips derived from reading FaceBook postings. I must say, when I was 18-23like most of my college …
  • I can't Escape - But Why Would I Want To?
    Social media is an aspect of our lives that most of us would have no idea what to do without. But is there too much social media around us? Is everything turning into social media? My brother told me about Spotify, which I was told would be "the better version of Pandora" because I can choose specific artists and listen to them all day long. On his fancy iPhone, he connects to Spotify and listens to only and all John Mayer while making an hour commute to work. This sounds like the perfect free application on the surface. I downloaded …
  • Duck Duck Go
    When a professor mentioned the underdog search engine Duck Duck Go in class, I decided to abandon Google search for a week to test it out. The site was created by a MIT graduate in Pennsylvania and known for its simplicity, little advertising, and user privacy. One week later, I have no intention of returning to Google. And here is why: Google search saves all your information, your past searches, and your identity. Everything you do online is bound to show up again, in advertisements mostly. This can be kind of annoying when your spout of frantic searching for …
  • If You Can't Beat 'Em... Copy 'Em!
    I am an avid Facebook user. To be honest, I don’t think I have made it through an entire day without at least checking my notifications or news feed in almost 2 years. That being said, I still get as frustrated as anyone every time the social networking giant changes its layout. Usually this only lasts about a week, though, and then I see the changes as improvements and can go on as if nothing is different at all. But this time, I think Zuckerberg’s team took the wrong approach to the problem. I’ve been told that the latest Facebook …
  • Internet shopping: A Life Saver or PITA?
    Interesting dilemma I had today. I needed new hearing aid molds that go from the unit to your ear canal. Depending on where you live, you can walk into a drug store and just buy them but oh no... I am in the middle of a corn field... a lovely corn field but still a corn field. I went to an audiologist (not my audiologist) and he would not sell me a temporary mold without testing, diagnosis, transfer of charts, blah, blah, blah. That is so ridiculous. They are temporary for a reason. I already have an audiologist 2 hours …
  • Lion King Resurrects Memories, Creates New Ones
    I have a confession to make. I paid more money than I make in a year to see The Lion King in IMAX/3D. I’m aware that this is a tech blog, so don’t worry, it’s headed in that direction. But instead of starting from the straight technological path, let me guide you from my starting point. As a young boy at the age of 8, yet another Disney movie headed to theaters. This meant one thing for my mother and Aunt: dragging about 10 children under 13 to watch their animated masterpiece. I was already fascinated with the Ninja Turtles …
  • Keeping it Real
    For this blog entry, I want to take the time to really appreciate how privileged my fellow bloggers and I are to do what we do with MediaPost, Ball State University, and even our country as a whole. Overall, bloggers and other critics have a reputation of being blowhards with a keyboard that only know how to complain about every little thing. While the above sentiment isn't far from the truth, we should all be happy that we can write lengthy blog posts of celebrity gossip, political opinions, and even our cats. I know …
  • Google? Fox News? GOP Debate?
    I never thought those three institutions would merge but they did. Clearly the way the world uses media today is morphing the scope of politics and the 24 hour news cycle into an entirely new beast.For those that did not get a chance to see the GOP Presidential Debate the other night on September 22, 2011, Google and Fox News joined forces to create a really elaborate change in how questions would be presented to the candidates. It seemed like such a novelty. It seemed almost like they were just saying, "ha ha! Look what we can do!" with …
  • Facebook Grumbling
    My least favorite thing about any kind of a facebook layout change is my facebook newsfeed being blown up by facebook statuses reading, "Seriously, facebook?! I hate the new layout!" or "Way to keep changing, facebook." My question is... what in our lives is not constantly changing? Why is it so important to everyone that facebook stay the exact same as it was when it was first brought about in 2004? (Thanks, Mark Zuckerberg). If facebook was the exact same as it has been since it was first engineered, the technology would be so outdated that facebook would have …
  • Can't We All Just Get Along?
    Now I’m not sure who beat up whom for their lunch money back in the day, but I think it’s safe to say that this rivalry between Apple and Windows sometimes gets out of hand. I was raised in a world of PCs, but ever since my major at Ball State required I have a Mac, I have been a loyal Mac girl. Even before I was a Mac user, however, I had two iPods. The first was a second-generation iPod Nano, which I had for almost two years before buying myself an iPod touch for my eighteenth birthday. …
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