• Privacy Please: Pleading for Discretion as Emerging Media Make a Journalist out of every Joe Plumber
    Tuesday night, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, professor of communications and director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania addressed Ball State students and faculty concerning "Emerging Media and the Path to the Oval Office." During her address Jamieson argued that the 2008 election and preceding campaign illustrated the eradication of private space [...]
  • A site you should know about
    The following site is making the rounds in my viral circles of friends, Twitter peeps and work colleagues. It originally started as something different, but the premise remains the same. I think it's a newer Post Secret. While there's no graphic imagery, the words can be rather crude. For your safety, this gets the NSFW [...]
  • Reflections on File Sharing
    I came to a realization recently. Now, I've always known that illegal file sharing is bad. I remember the early days of Napster and the MTV specials about Metallica and the RIAA. Despite how slow Napster was with a 56k connection, it still greatly expanded my musical repertoire. Then Napster was [...]
  • To the people killing Twitter:
    Thanks, by the way, to those of you who commented on my prior post. There are still some thoughts left unsaid in that rant, and it probably could be refined. That said .. TO THOSE PEOPLE KILLING TWITTER: Stop using direct message auto-responders. It's got all the irritation of an AIM away message that's 12-pages long.
  • Steve Jobs - give me back my FireWire
    I don't really know what Apple is thinking with the latest generation of MacBooks. Now don't get me wrong - I love my MacBook. My girlfriend makes fun of me, saying we have three people living in our house: me, her, and the MacBook. But part of what makes me love MY MacBook [...]
  • Relationship Hurdles and the State of my Union
    Every relationship has its ups and downs. My love and I have had several over the last month. Yes, we have only been dating a month but the love was there from day one. My love fits perfectly in my hands, my love has encouraged me to talk to and communicate with my friends [...]
  • DTV in Muncie? Best to stick with cable
    As the almost certainly former deadline for the DTV switchover approaches and the turmoil surrounding the switch continues to grow, I'm forced to think about my undergraduate career, when DTV was still years away... When I first heard about the digital switch in my media law class years ago, I thought it to be a pretty [...]
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