by David on Jun 24, 10:44 AM
This is a two-part horror story, really ... Part I: Some faulty circumstances left three friends and I without tickets for Coldplay's visit to Indianapolis a few weeks ago. We'd relied on a friend who claimed to have tickets, she didn't and we ended up concert day screwed. (Yea, overlook the gullible aspect here for me...) [...]
by frank on Jun 21, 2:28 PM
In my last blog post, part one of three of how I'm keeping in contact with my friends this summer, I discussed my usage of the chat aggregator Digsby. In this second installment, I'm going to teach you all about another gift from the internet gods: Alert Thingy. If you're anything like me, you likely aren't [...]
by David on Jun 19, 3:15 PM
A few things worth noting, some newer than others due to my hiatus. I encourage your comments below! Fox's GLEE left me intrigued. In fact, a larger number of my friends who saw the pilot say they were impressed. I'm eager to watch in the Fall. To be fair, I started to watch the OC back [...]
by David on Jun 17, 3:06 PM
I was hiding. In an effort to complete my master's thesis, I took a sabbatical from most of the outside world during most of the last semester. Sure, I caught the important news events from or I also used The Daily Show and Colbert Report as entertainment during my dinner hours. Beyond that, I've [...]
by elizabeth on Jun 12, 2:30 PM
I'm not the type to be up on the latest technologies or absolute newest trends in the media world, so it took me a while before I even heard of the most recent media "fashion": Twitter. My first question when I heard about Twitter was: "What is it?" From my research I discovered [...]
by Ryan on Jun 11, 10:27 AM
A couple weeks ago, Microsoft's new search, Bing, went live, replacing Live Search. Now, I'm an ardent Googler (who isn't in this day and age?). I especially love my Gmail, Google Trends, and of course Search. But I'm always down to try out someone's attempt at a semantic search, so I've been [...]
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