MRC Continues MRI-Simmons Accreditation, Grants New One For 'Insights Platform'

At a time when the ad industry is debating the merits of certifying various new audience "currencies," one of the most important and best used by agency media planners -- MRI-Simmons -- has been granted continuing accreditation, as well as a new accreditation for its "Insights Platform," by the Media Rating Council (MRC).

The continuing accreditation covers the MRI-Simmons Doublebase USA study, as well as its MEMRI application, which are key sources for media audiences, product usage and consumer lifestyle data use by planners to make allocation decisions for various media.

Its newly accredited Insights Platform reduces the time planners, advertisers and media sellers spend on data analysis and consumer "insights generation."

MRI-Simmons' MRC announcement comes just weeks after both Nielsen and Comscore reaffirmed support for the MRC's annual audits as part of its accreditation process, something MRI-Simmons President Anna Welch described as "rigorous" in its announcement.



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