by Sean on Nov 11, 2:30 PM
If you haven't heard by now, Facebook is using a new method of advertising: they're allowing users to opt-in to share information about products and services they use, and Facebook turns that information around into targeted sponsored ads in the "news feed" feature of the social networking site. This is quite the innovative approach to targeted [...]
by Kenny on Nov 9, 3:04 PM
A few months ago, my boss and I were talking about different ringtone-download sites and the site became the topic of discussion. It is a fairly decent site to download "free" - well, not actually free ringtones because there are these little thing called "texting/SMS charges" (from your carrier) that must be [...]
by Amanda on Nov 8, 8:38 PM
While I do manage to catch my favorite programs randomly throughout the week, an atypical sick day this Wednesday allowed me unprecedented time to watch TV, and especially advertisements. On a usual evening, I watch TV with the roommates so commercial time is catch-up time. But sitting alone (and groggy) by myself allowed me time [...]
by Sean on Nov 8, 6:36 PM
To celebrate the debut of their "year long worldwide investigation" Planet in Peril last month, CNN turned their CNN bug green all day. They said it was to demonstrate their commitment to raising awareness of saving the environment. I thought it was kind of a neat gimmick. But it was just a gimmick. Now, this week, NBC [...]
by Amy on Nov 5, 9:00 AM
Apple has decided to stop <a href="">accepting cash </a>for means of iPhone payment in order to better track iPhone sales. In addition to tracking iPhone sales, Apple hopes to use this new policy to prevent future unlocking and reselling of the popular product by tracking and limiting purchases. Currently around a quarter of the million iPhones sold are not connected to the AT&T network causing monetary loss for both AT&T and Apple. Apple's decision to go paperless is a good example of the shift towards a paperless currency. As in Apple's case where the risk of product alteration …
by Amanda on Nov 2, 7:50 AM
Media has become so pervasive these days that sometimes it surprises me. Last Saturday my brother broke his collarbone (a consequence of playing football in the street). I was out of town for the weekend, so he called and texted to keep me updated. This was awesome because I was able to stay connected [...]
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