• Good Grief
    Last week I received an email from a friend that informed me of an illness of our mutual friends mother. Now, I have been out of touch with both of these friends for the past few years, so I was very thankful to be contacted. The email instructed me that several of our mutual friends [...]
  • That's right, I know where I'm going!
    I love portable GPS systems! Specifically the GPS systems for your car. My mom got one for Christmas and everytime I am with her in the car I'm playing with it. I think they're so neat...Sometimes, I pull up directions to our house just for the heck of it. Also, I love how it gives [...]
  • How to Increase Your Bottom Line
    "Dude, dude, have you seen this video?? You gotta see it!" I can't tell you how many times I've heard that line as one of my friends is sitting at their computer. Fifty seven percent of Internet users have watched videos online and most of them share what they find with others according to a recent [...]
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