by brian.w on Sep 20, 4:14 PM
Perhaps an introduction would have been appropriate for my first post on "Notes From the Digital Frontier," as I am not a very tech-savvy person. To specify, I like outdoor activities: throwing frisbee, going on bike rides, or just laying in the sun. I don't like to be online for extended periods of time; I [...]
by Jessica on Sep 20, 3:18 PM
Taking notes is part of every college student's life. If I don't take notes, I won't remember anything I'm learning. I've realized I'm a visual learner, and I study by staring at and highlighting my notes. I've found that I listen and memorize better when I'm taking notes the old-fashioned way: pencil and paper. Pen and [...]
by Jessica on Sep 17, 2:25 PM
sumtimes i luv 2 txt. sumtimes i hate it. Because we live in a world where everyday interaction has been somewhat reduced to typing on a screen, I think it's important to think about one's own opinions on texting. I am a college student on an unlimited texting plan - who isn't, anymore? I just got my [...]
by James on Sep 17, 12:19 AM
So...I broke down and got a Twitter account a few weeks ago. I'm @JoBxr on there, if you care to follow my once-a-week (at best) updates. Forgive me if I sound old, but I don't see the point in Twitter. It's Facebook...minus anything interesting. Maybe it's just me, but isn't it vain to publish everything you're [...]
by ryan.y on Sep 16, 8:14 PM
Just last week I was introduced to a new software called Plex, and I cant understate enough how blown away I was by the entire experience. The key concept behind Plex is that it bridges all of your media into one easy to use interface. Essentially, it's a multidimensional media server, designed to act as a [...]
by Chris on Sep 16, 2:22 PM
One online campaign I remember vividly from last year was the Victoria's Secret Colligate Pink Collection Contest. I am a guy and even remember voting everyday to try to get the first place prize (a Pink Nation Party on Campus). Why did this catch my eye and my interest? Besides the hot supermodels that would [...]
by Marissa on Sep 14, 2:06 PM
I've spent the last few summers working in a bookstore café, and, normally, I love my job. But last winter, we launched our new eReader device. Luckily, I worked in the café, so I didn't have to deal too much with trying to sell them, but I would occasionally get customers who had questions [...]
by Jessica on Sep 14, 1:46 PM
Today, I write my first post for this blog hosted by MediaPost. Look out, world. I am joining more than 146 million blogs in the 2010 blogosphere, according to BlogPulse - they tracks statistics through machine learning and natural-language processing techniques (I'll reference BlogPulse statistics later on as well). I have done a bit of [...]
by Bobby on Sep 13, 4:59 PM
I have always been in favor of using technology in a school setting. It wouldn't be an exaggeration if I said that I have learned more from the Internet than I did in my four years of high school. However, I can't justify using an e-reader instead of a traditional book for a couple [...]
by ryan.y on Sep 13, 1:58 PM
Video games are a hobby that I have thoroughly enjoyed, starting in my early years of playing Zelda on my then-newly purchased Nintendo 64. My interest in games stems from the interactive experience set within unique and ambiguous worlds, and how we as an audience are able to interact with these synthetic worlds. Games offer [...]