• Facebook: Killing our Mojo
    Due to the convenience of social networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace, it has become all too easy to make 1,000 friends. All you have to do is browse online, search through profiles, and send a request. You can pretty much expect to be accepted even if the person doesn't know you, and usually [...]
  • A Brief Lament for Expression
    Sometimes I feel like sheer boredom can be measured by how many times one visits their Facebook page in one day. For me, that's about twice on average: once during the day, and once at night. I'm not declaring this to be habitual, but I generally dislike many aspects of Facebook interaction: the ever-dramatic posts [...]
  • Back to the Chalkboard
    I have a teacher who will come into the classroom and start complaining about the computer in the corner. He starts asking the front row if someone could help him turn off the gizmos. This is the same teacher was told by the university to use more technology in the classroom. His response; he started [...]
  • Creating the Need
    I'm a Mac junkie. There, I said it. I own a 5th gen iPod (video), 1st gen iPod Touch, a 15" MacBook Pro, a 24" iMac, an iPhone 4, and all of the accessories that go with them. Guilty as charged. I was hooked after purchasing my 14" iBook in 2005 and I've not looked [...]
  • Why I am not an iPhone User
    I have been a Mac user for the past 7 years and I flat out refuse to use a PC for anything. With that being said, I also refuse to become a full convert to the Church of Mac. By the way, I am so not exaggerating; the Church of Mac does exist.
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