by Kelly Samardak on Nov 9, 4:00 PM
Today confirmed what I knew all along: Oscar The Grouch and Grover are bigger than Brad Pitt. When I arrived at Dante Park, located in the Dorito on W 64th and Columbus across from Lincoln Center, I was blown away by the number of TV cameras and big swingin' photog lenses. I checked in, discovered the risers full of shooters from the New York Post, Patrick McMullen, etc, and was then placed off to the side of the ceremonial area. I think I had the best spot on the ground. Well, until men with their big, ahem, lenses kept stepping …
by Kelly Samardak on Nov 6, 3:15 PM
I'm still debating what to do about tonight since I usually treat Friday as Myday, but the fact that it is a Verizon party could make it relevant to you mobile marketing types, so I'm conflicted. Anyway, you'll know what I decide on Monday. Last night, however, I rallied to attend the launch party thrown for, the SRDS (which makes me think of Sustained Silent Reading, but it's not)Interactive Advertising Directory, and the "Vital Signs Report," at Social, a hop skip and a jump from Times Square, and a place rife with fratmosphere.
by Kelly Samardak on Nov 6, 10:15 AM
After getting scolded at the comScore party, Gail Hilton of Thought Equity Motion and I headed to Marquee, a MUCH shorter walk from The Park than The Park was from good old Javits. We took The Highline for part of the walk and for any naysayers out there (I'm talking to you, self), it's a completely different experience at night. The vibe is mysterious and creepy with the potential for assault by crackhead lurking around every corner. But man, walking on that elevated path surrounded by the stars and the glimmer of the city? It's like belonging and being removed …
by Kelly Samardak on Nov 5, 4:00 PM
When you see the name comScore and you're not an industry newbie, you probably recognize it as a marketing research company. ComScore hosted a party at The Park last night where guests were invited to enjoy delicious food and listen to comScore Chairman and Co-Founder Gian Fulgoni share a brief recap of key industry developments from 2009, also highlighting some of the next big movements of 2010. I know, you're thinking "A research party? How can that be fun?" Well, dear reader (or skimmer), when you add an open bar featuring sangria, a shushing guest, garlic-drowned shrimp, and an up-to-the-minute …
by Kelly Samardak on Nov 5, 1:45 PM
It's official. I hate the Javits Center. I know, I know, hate is a strong word. If you hate something, you wish it dead. If there is a lighter word that means temporary coma, let me know. It's practically in the river, that Javits. Public transportation won't even go near it. It's just not ped-friendly, which was made clear to me when I was almost hit by not one but four cars when I clomped through the cross walk on 35th and 10th with the right of way. I was human frogger, and that's no exaggeration. This, my friends, was …
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