• Anybody In There? Hulu Joins Chromecast's Private Party
    Hulu's mobile apps are now compatible with Google Chromecast. Which begs the question -- why is Google taking its time making good on the promise of extensive content on an otherwise promising OTT platform?
  • M-Commerce Should Expect the 'Better-Than-Expected' This Holiday
    Heading into the holiday shopping season, it looks as if some of those retailer investments in mobile commerce will be paying off. According to its latest roundup of recent research, eMarketer expects 16% of e-commerce sales to come from devices this year.
  • Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger....: DQs Sell Out From SMS Promo
    An opted-in SMS list remains one of the most powerful tools for local retailers who want to drive store traffic when and where they need it most. How well you contain that flow, however, is still a dark art.
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