• Instagram Battles False Alarm Over Traffic Stats
    Still bruised from the controversy involving its changed terms of service, mobile image app Instagram suffered likely false claims that it had lost a quarter of its users.
  • Did 'Second Screens' Already Outsmart 'Smart TV'?
    TV owners are not yet buying into the PC-like functionality of their new "smart" sets. In part, even smarter personal devices beat TVs to the punch.
  • Snap Tweet Survey Has iPad Winning Christmas By Miles
    An incredibly unscientific poll of Christmas Eve tweets stumbles upon a likely truth: this was probably a massive iPad Christmas.
  • SpongeBob And NBC Top 2012 Social TV Rankings
    Some of the most active social TV shows of 2012 are not only buzzworthy in content, but are also in form more conducive to chatter activity that does not detract from the first-screen experience.
  • Mobile Mutes Holiday Cheer For Game And Camera Hardware
    Smartphones and tablets are devouring the middle of the markets for dedicated game consoles and digital cameras. Expect the 7-inch tablets to make matters worse, especially for Sony and Nintendo.
    Want to sue? Now there is a shortcode for that. A legal marketing services firm has created a way to find a lawyer while you are still prone on the ground, waiting for the gurney.
  • eBay Declares It Doesn't Need Ads In Apps
    eBay finds that ads in its apps don't deliver enough revenue to compensate for the hit they deliver to the overall user experience.
  • Instagram To Users: You're All Unpaid (But Cherished) Interns Now
    Instagram is getting deservedly slammed this week, but it isn't just about the prospect of turning personal images into ads. It is about how these new goliaths of media treat their users.
  • Not Just Location: General Search Going Mobile
    Proximity is only part of the mobile search picture. Both the breadth of categories searched and the demographics of smartphone use are broadening.
  • Does My Finger Look Fat On This Phone?: Google Accidental Click Fix
    Our fingers aren't "fat." But the mobile ads have been too dumb (or deliberately oblivious) to know we didn't want to click them. Google says it has a fix.
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