by Erik Sass on Jan 30, 11:34 AM
Mobile ecommerce is growing fast, and that is obviously good news for retailers -- but as always, you take the good with the bad. In this case the bad news is that the increase in legitimate mobile commerce sales provides cover for an increase in mobile commerce fraud. That's according to a new report form LexisNexis Risk Solutions, which calculates that the volume of fraudulent transactions increased from 0.8% of total mobile commerce revenues in 2013 to 1.36% in 2014, a year-over-year increase of 70%.
by Steve Smith on Jan 29, 12:55 AM
Adobe thinks that larger smartphone screen sizes are already having an impact on mobile ad effectiveness. OK, maybe. But we are still waiting for the ads to fit many screens.
by Erik Sass on Jan 28, 11:23 AM
Smartphones and tablets contributed nearly half (42%) of all organic search activity that ended in a visit to a retail site in the fourth quarter, according to new figures from Merkle-RKG. The total volume of mobile organic search visits to retail sites rose 54% compared to the fourth quarter of 2013.
by Erik Sass on Jan 27, 12:39 PM
Many Google Glass-haters took Google's recent announcement that it was halting production of Google Glass and rolling up the Explorer program as a victory of commonsense over techno-douchery. But smart glasses aren't going away. They're just not going to be an everyday item for most consumers. Rather, we will see large-scale adoption by the enterprise and public sectors.
by Steve Smith on Jan 26, 10:55 AM
Despite the overall migration to mobile, most car buyer research still appears to occur on the desktop. Clearly, consumers are dividing their own purchase funnel into different screens.
by Erik Sass on Jan 23, 12:38 PM
I don't think many people would argue with the statement that we, as a society, are probably spending a little too much time with our smartphones, tablets, and computers, at the cost of missing out on "real life" (not to mention the very real risk of being eaten by bears). To help us at least keep track of our addictive behavior, and maybe even cut down a bit, ZeroDesktop has launched a new self-help Android app, QualityTime, that tracks the amount of time you spend on your smartphone and issues gentle reminders when you seem to be falling into a …
by Steve Smith on Jan 22, 9:36 AM
Microsoft HoloLens AR visor is the future of computing, says the company that brought us Kinect and Windows Phone. Why wouldn't you believe them?
by Erik Sass on Jan 21, 11:48 AM
Mobile wallet apps seem to be popping up everywhere -- but there is also some attrition thinning the herd, and Wednesday saw one of the biggest contenders go belly-up. That's when Amazon announced that it's shutting down the Amazon Wallet beta a mere six months after the product launched.
by Erik Sass on Jan 20, 11:56 AM
And this is why humanity can't have nice things: As soon as some clever person invents something really useful -- say, a device that connects you with the world and fits in the palm of your hand -- some other jerkface comes along and figures out how to use it to rip everyone off. Mobile malware is on the rise in the U.S. and around the world, according to a new study from security firm Lookout, in a trend that neatly coincides with the shift from desktop to mobile computing.
by Steve Smith on Jan 19, 11:41 AM
In the latest Salesforce, marketers reveal they like just about everything mobile has to offer. But the level of mobile savvy some of these guys claim is a bit hard to believe.