by Mark Walsh on Aug 31, 12:01 PM
Mobile may not yet have its own promotional Week in New York, but the industry is crashing Advertising Week this year with its own one-day event. Sponsored by Jumptap, Admob, Quattro Wireless and Mojiva,
the Mobile Ad Summit might better be called the Mobile Ad Network Summit.
by Josh May on Aug 28, 1:49 PM
There was a bit of a collective cyber-jaw-dropping over the release of AdMob's Mobile Metrics Report Thursday. With the revelation that Apple's app economy is estimated -- and that should be "estimated" with a capital "E" -- to be worth something in the neighborhood of $2.4 billion annually, there were the requisite comparisons to the GDPs of small African countries and general headshaking and hysterical laughter. Putting aside the applause for Apple, what the report reveals about the rise of Android seems to be a bit more intriguing.
by Mark Walsh on Aug 27, 11:49 AM
The prospects for mobile payments are looking up. In one initiative, Facebook is looking to expand its virtual currency system to cell phones through a new service it's testing that would let users enter their mobile number rather than credit card information to buy Facebook Credits or virtual goods.
by Mark Walsh on Aug 26, 3:53 PM
Microsoft this week
announced the release of OneApp, a free offering for feature phone that provides access to applications like Facebook and Twitter without using up much memory. Aimed at mobile users in emerging markets, OneApp will launch with South African operator Blue Label Telecoms and ship with more than a dozen mobile apps.
by Mark Walsh on Aug 25, 1:32 PM
The iPhone in July continued to dominate mobile devices as an ad vehicle, accounting for 12.2% of mobile ad impressions, up from 8.6% in June, according new monthly data from mobile ad network Millennial Media.
by Mark Walsh on Aug 24, 12:59 PM
The lines among handset makers, computer makers and software companies continue to blur as devices become universal and fungible. The latest example is Nokia
announcing plans Monday to get into the PC business with a mini notebook computer to help bolster weak handset sales.
by Mark Walsh on Aug 21, 5:02 PM
Mobile ad network Greystripe has coined the term "iPhone mom" to describe the 29.5% of iPhone users on its network that are mothers and household decision makers. "Our insights report shows the iPhone mom is becoming the most significant purchase influencer and decision maker in the iPhone community," said Greystripe CEO Michael Chang,
in a statement about the data released Thursday.
by Mark Walsh on Aug 20, 2:07 PM
The Pew Internet & American Life Project says it's working on its latest survey on how teens and their parents use mobile phones. The latest results won't come out until early 2010, so Pew repackaged some of data
from surveys on teens and mobile from the last five years in a new report to tide over anyone (like mobile marketers) anxiously awaiting new insights on the subject.
by Mark Walsh on Aug 19, 2:21 PM
UK-based Juniper Research offers the latest bullish forecast on mobile advertising, predicting spending worldwide will grow to $5.7 billion by 2014 (from $1 billion in 2008). The telecom research firm expects mobile ad budgets to grow strongly over the next five years, with the mobile Internet becoming the main advertising channel.
by Mark Walsh on Aug 18, 1:57 PM
Palm today announced opening the doors to developers who want to sell apps via the handset maker's online storefront for the Pre. Developers can now start submitting apps for consideration in Palm's App Catalog e-commerce beta program kicking off in mid-September. As with other mobile app stores, developers will get a 70% cut of sales with Palm keeping the balance.