by Steve Smith on May 31, 9:04 AM
In its first mobile-only deal, Mondelez has made a strategic agreement with Google for everything from mobile search to banners to Web sites to analytics and even training. It is a major vote of confidence not just in a platform, but in the concept of mobility.
by Steve Smith on May 30, 9:08 AM
It is always important for mobile marketers to keep in mind the sobering truth about smartphone use: it's all about people maintaining connections with one another, not with you.
by Steve Smith on May 29, 8:22 AM
Devices have found a home in America's living rooms. Deal with it. But most people are using their smartphones and tablets to talk with one another, not with programmers and marketers.
by Steve Smith on May 28, 9:13 AM
For all of the money being spent on mobile game promotion, user recommendations remain the strongest source of downloads. Developers need to bake more and better sharing tools into the apps themselves.
by Steve Smith on May 24, 8:58 AM
There is even more evidence this week of what marketers should have known all along -- Latino mobile users represent an amazing opportunity for brands.
by Steve Smith on May 23, 9:34 AM
Mercedes-Benz is announcing the first car financial services app for in-car networks. It always seemed to me that driving was one time and place where you really wanted to forget the fact that you didn't actually own this car yet.
by Steve Smith on May 22, 9:10 AM
Samsung is offering a purse of $800,000 to developers who best use the unique features of its Galaxy S4 in apps. Curiously, Samsung's obsession with wanting to successfully rival the iPhone is a distraction from the company's real strengths.
by Steve Smith on May 21, 7:16 AM
The merging of these two companies creates a mobile takeout and delivery ordering system that covers over 20,000 restaurants in 500 cities. You want to see where mobile payments start? Look here first.
by Steve Smith on May 20, 8:48 AM
According to reports, Yahoo is poised to offer Tumblr $1.1 billion for the visual social network. Tumblr represents a number of things that Yahoo could use right now.
by Steve Smith on May 17, 7:55 AM
Oscar Mayer is capitalizing on the popularity of its blunt Grandpa Frank character in an app that lets users suffer the crusty cynic's snide asides and build their own TV spot.