by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 30, 1:51 PM
Yahoo has named Lisa Utzschneider as its new SVP of sales for the Americas, replacing Ned Brody, who is taking a new post as senior vice president, advertising technology and strategy.
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 27, 12:43 PM
The arrangement lets CineSport provide exposure of material from the Anthem sites to eight million sports fans who access CineSport content, most typically through major newspaper Web sites, where CineSport creates exclusive, and often hyper-local reporting and commentary.
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 22, 11:57 AM
The company has added fingerprinting software that can monitor "every TV channel in real time," and check that against social media and connected devices to determine top trending shows, all over the place.
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 15, 6:20 PM
The Online Video Daily blog, "Evolve's Campaign To Get You To Watch More Than 7.5 Seconds Of An Ad" published Oct. 14. should have said the Media Rating Council set the two-second viewability standard. The MRC is an independent industry body that worked with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and other organizations. The original article said the IAB set the standard..
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 14, 2:16 PM
Mobile video ad firm Vdopia's newest Mobile Insights report claims 77% of spending by mobile telecom companies on Vdopia's network took the form of video or rich media advertising, and that video ads worked six times better than banner ads. In terms of audience targeting methodology, the most heavily used was demographic, as telecom marketers leveraged age, gender and ethnicity to reach relevant smartphone owners. Location targeting was next, followed by contextual.
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 7, 9:51 AM
Viacom executive Dermot McCormack will join AOL as its president of video and studios, replacing Ran Harnevo, who is leaving, but will remain as executive producer of the the AOL series "Connected."
by Ashish Mistry on Oct 7, 8:00 AM
As Amazon continues to expand beyond being the Internet's largest purveyor of "things," and grow its media empire (through original programming; original hardware - the company's Fire line of phones, TV products, tablets - its 2-year-old Games Studio, etc.), the Twitch synergy makes more sense.
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 3, 11:57 AM
Amazon Studios, which let Amazon Prime subscribers take a look at five pilot episodes of possible series and cast votes for and against, picked two -- drama "Hand of God" and comedy "Red Oaks," which will begin on the content provider's service next year.
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