by Laurie Sullivan on Mar 29, 4:02 PM
Andrew Lloyd Webber released a 360-degree YouTube video that reached 1 million views in three days, bringing awareness to its latest Broadway show, "School of Rock." It's the first time a Broadway musical has used the video media.
by Laurie Sullivan on Mar 12, 4:17 PM
AUSTIN, TEXAS. Droneweek returns in June 2016, when General Electric (GE) provides an inside look at the days leading up to the Olympics in Rio, the images broadcast on Periscope.
by Eric Hoffert on Mar 3, 9:00 AM
There is a serious problem the industry must solve in order for digital video to reach its full potential: latency. We're all frustratingly familiar with the spinning buffering icon, and it is time to do something about it.
by Joe Mandese on Mar 3, 8:25 AM
In a material development that could significantly improve the video advertising experience, AppNexus this morning unveiled new technology that reduces the latency of video advertising by a factor of as much as 1,000. AppNexus -- which is a leading programmatic media technology company, partly owned by WPP Group -- said the technology can reduce the load time of video ad serving from a current average of about five seconds to "as little as five milliseconds."
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