by Nick Davison on Mar 26, 4:16 PM
Redbox, what happened to you?! When it comes to rentals, they have changed from disruptive market leaders to the dullard chasing along, offering a poorer version of the same services, years too late, for just as much money. They have tossed out their one single disruptive feature -- their great price.
by P.J. Bednarski on Mar 25, 7:00 AM
Tremor Video, Inc., the New York-based digital video ad-tech and analytics company, has named three executives to key posts. Aaron Saltz was named associate general counsel, reporting directly to COO and general counsel Adam Lichestein. Saltz will be responsible for implementing and overseeing corporate governance and compliance concerns, intellectual property law and other tasks. He’ll also work with senior management on financing and acquisition transactions. He joins Tremor from Skadden, Arps, where he’s worked the last seven years. Tremor also named. Doug DeSimone the director of talent acquisition for Tremor Video and Video Hub. DeSimone had been working as a …