by Jeremy Ostermiller on Jan 28, 10:47 AM
Walled gardens are currently back in style but the Internet of things might change that..
by Randall Rothenberg on Jan 25, 3:20 PM
In his speech at the annual leadership conference, IAB CEO Randall Rothenberg emptied his rhetorical gun at Adblock-Plus calling them an "unethical, immoral, mendacious coven of techie wannabes" and also scorching others in that business, comparing some to a "protection racket." .
by P.J. Bednarski on Jan 25, 11:38 AM
Plant-based foods keep blood flowing to all the body's organs, says this NSFW PETA ad, which the animal rights group obviously never believed would show up on the Super Bowl telecast.
by P.J. Bednarski on Jan 25, 11:13 AM
The IAB starts by defining 40 digital video terms, after winnowing down a longer list.
by P.J. Bednarski on Jan 21, 4:35 PM
Infront Sports and Media, the Swiss-based sports and marketing company, has acquired 51% of Omnigon, the digital services company used by various sports leagues, teams and networks. Omnigon clients include PGA Tour, NASCAR, Fox Sports and the NBA's Miami Heat.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jan 20, 2:29 PM
YouTube cracked the door a little wider Wednesday, making its Real-Time Ads tool available to an increasing number of brands. The ad unit will allow more advertisers to become part of the conversation as football plays put fans on the edge of their seat or bring them to their feet while watching the big game.
by P.J. Bednarski on Jan 19, 3:05 PM
An out-of-court settlement of a lawsuit against Major League Baseball means fans will be able to purchase single-team packages from with in-market rights. The overall 30 team package also will be discounted, and authenticated Comcast and DirecTV subscribers will get in-market streaming options.
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