by Laurie Sullivan on Aug 26, 2:52 PM
YouTube took on Amazon Twitch Wednesday with the official launch of YouTube Gaming, a video game-streaming portal.
by Erik Sass on Aug 24, 1:51 PM
Digital publishing platform Flipboard is expanding its advertising offerings with a new video product called Video Ads with Cinema Loop, which allow advertisers to integrate native video messages into the curated collections of content created by users -- but in a way the company claims won't be disruptive to readers.
by Michael Tribolet on Aug 24, 9:36 AM
As the new TV market evolves, it's important to focus not so much on either extreme or the rhetoric but more on research and data - including U.S. Census Bureau demographic data.
by Laurie Sullivan on Aug 21, 2:31 PM
YouTube has added more than 1,000 songs to its YouTube Audio Library, making them searchable by name, genre, mood, instrument, duration, and more.
by P.J. Bednarski on Aug 13, 5:51 PM
Another summer will come and go without the souped Apple TV service everybody has been waiting for, according to a report from
Bloomberg. Quoting sources "familiar with Apple's plans" the news service says Apple has called off long-rumored plans to announce the new TV service at a Sept. 9 event, but will use that event, instead, to introduce a more powerful version of its Apple TV set-top box. The story says Apple was trying to put together a package of cable network and local stations that it could market for $40 a month, about half of what the …
by Kevin Lenane on Aug 12, 4:52 PM
Do all video ad formats offer advertisers equal value? Is a video ad that's squeezed into a side ad unit and runs in-banner without any real video content have the impact as pre-roll? Do advertisers know what they're really getting? Shouldn't they? In
by Peter Daboll on Aug 7, 2:01 PM
Better ad delivery won't solve the premium shortage. Improving ad creative quality will.
by Eric Bozinny on Aug 5, 9:16 AM
Nowhere is that need for ad tech's maturation more clear than with viewability, one of the key metrics for all stakeholders in our ecosystem. Take, for example, the way that we process video ad requests.
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