by P.J. Bednarski on Sep 30, 1:47 PM
According to new research from Extreme Reach, political advertising in Q2 delivered 77% of its ads in HD, the highest rates among all categories measured.
by Laurie Sullivan on Sep 19, 12:38 PM
Attempting to convince YouTube Talent not to jump to Facebook or other competing Web sites, Google said it has furthered its investments to help talent shine. The site expanded support to full-scale marketing and advertising campaigns, helping turn successful creators with large fan bases like Bethany Mota and Epic Rap Battles of History into household names.
by Laurie Sullivan on Sep 16, 8:00 AM
JustOne, a charitable pet venture started by actress Katherine Heigl, reached out to Orabrush, which built two multimillion-dollar brands on YouTube, to help save lives of homeless animals by raising awareness and funds. The video encourages viewers to purchase JustOne's collection of leashes, collars and other merchandise, as well as partner products, such as Orapup.
by P.J. Bednarski on Sep 15, 12:22 PM
Extreme Reach has introduced a new dashboard solution that allows a user to monitor, measure and respond to TV and digital campaigns simultaneously from the same dashboard.
by P.J. Bednarski on Sep 3, 4:31 PM
"Life's So R.a.d.," slated for four "seasons" on YouTube, will feature clothing from a fashion line, S.o. R.a.d that will launch in Kohl's stores Sept 22.
by P.J. Bednarski on Sep 3, 3:30 PM
Amazon Fire TV is expanding to the United Kingdom and Germany, the online retail giant announced today, five months after the set-top box went on the market here. Amazon said it was simultaneously beginning to offer Fire TV in Germany, although pricing or a ship date were not clear.
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