CNET News, July 29, 2004
At the Black Hat Security Briefings in Las Vegas, the talk turns to e-voting security, tougher tools and RFID hacking. Meanwhile, Check Point shores up its network software.
SearchEngineWatch, July 29, 2004
Click fraud -- the practice of clicking on a text advertisement served by a search engine for the sole purpose of forcing the advertiser to pay for the click -- is emerging as an important concern for search engine marketers.
The Register, July 30, 2004
Our recent story Pop-up goes the commission reported on allegations that 180solutions' permission-based search assistant application Zango may have been dowloading itself onto users' computers without their knowledge. We further reported on allegations that 180solutions "violated the policies of two affiliate marketing networks by soliciting commissions from merchant members, and redirecting to itself commissions that should have gone to other affiliates". Here is 180solutions' reply to the charges, which we reprint here in full:
eWeek, July 29, 2004
IBM Corp.'s research arm on Friday will debut a new spam filtering test platform called SpamGuru at the first Conference on E-Mail and Spam in Mountain View, Calif. The new offering will make its way to the enterprise with the release of IBM's Lotus Workplace Messaging 2.0 product later this quarter.
MarketingSherpa, July 29, 2004
Here are email terms you're most likely to come across as you deal with the email process, building your list, creating and sending messages, or dealing with your IT department or broadcast vendo
Associated Press, July 29, 2004
Apple Computer Inc. on Thursday responded to RealNetworks' creation of iPod-compatible software by calling it the technological equivalent of breaking and entering. "We are stunned that RealNetworks has adopted the tactics and ethics of a hacker to break into the iPod, and we are investigating the (legal) implications of their actions," Apple said.
CNN, July 29, 2004
Free-for-all music sharing online has drawn the ire of the recording industry, but some commercial online music providers and even a few recording artists are opting to allow music fans to share the songs they've bought.
Wired, July 29, 2004
Hollywood -- always in search of hip, influential people who can get others to go see a film -- is spending an increasing portion of its collective marketing resources online, shifting budgets and attention from traditional media like television and print toward the Web., July 29, 2004
Time Warner said yesterday that its AOL unit saw strong advertising sales growth in the second quarter after nearly three years of declines, thanks to help from its Google search partnership.
New Media Age, July 29, 2004
Traditional ad agencies are still shunning online advertising, forcing media owners to go direct to clients, despite the massive increase in online ad spend.