The percentage of Americans who report they are spending more time with various media than they did pre-pandemic remains high, but for the most part has fallen from the peak stay-at-home period last year, according to findings of Mindshare's ongoing COVID-19 tracking study.
The most recent wave - the 21st, and the first to begin going quarterly from monthly -- shows that half of Americans self-report using online media more than they did prior to the pandemic.
Other media options also perceived by a large percentage of American to be up including streaming TV, watching movies at home, using phone-based apps, watching online videos, using social media, binge watching series, watching live TV and playing video games.
While self-reported, the data indicates that Americans continue to perceive their overall media consumption to be expanding, especially for digital and on-demand media options.
This is likely because it's not actually "post-pandemic" yet?
Exactly, Robert.
@Robert Rose: The word "post-," used as a prefix, means subsequent to something, not necessarily after it is over.
So yes, we are in a post-pandemic period.
We are NOT in a post-end-of-the-pandemic period.