by Erik Sass on Oct 28, 5:03 PM
This week brought yet another mash-up of two innovative, fast-growing digital channels, combining digital out-of-home with social media. Latinos in Social Media, or LATISM, which describes itself as the largest organization of Latinos engaged in social media, is unveiling a 7,400-square-foot digital billboard piggybacked on the iconic Reuters sign at 3 Times Square, New York City, at 6:30 p.m. today.
by Erik Sass on Oct 21, 5:11 PM
Stop the presses! It turns out mall-goers are disproportionately young and female -- or at least, the audience for mall-based digital out-of-home video networks is. That's according to Nielsen's Fourth Screen Network Audience Report, covering the second quarter of 2011, which measured audiences for three mall video ad networks in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Boston.
by Erik Sass on Oct 14, 1:26 PM
Near-field communications is one of the most promising routes for connecting out-of-home advertising with mobile devices, allowing consumers to interact with ads (both static and digital) simply by placing their phone near the advertising surface to receive discount coupons, enter contests, provide feedback or purchase products. Last week two Canadian companies, Gauge Mobile and Newad, unveiled what they claim is North America's first dedicated out-of-home NFC advertising network.
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