by Masha Geller on Nov 12, 12:00 AM
When the Excite Network launched a brand new portal two weeks ago, very few people in the industry paid any attention, even though the portal promised to deliver full functionality, fast pages, a great privacy policy and -- most importantly -- not a single banner or pop-up advertisement throughout the entire site. Yesterday, when the same company released an announcement under the heading of “Yahoo! Is Toast” – heads turned. And rightly so.
by Masha Geller on Nov 11, 12:00 AM
I really should have found something more important to write about today (although there seems to be very little online activity prior to @d:Tech, which kicks off next Monday), but this one is simply irresistible. The Consumer Electronics Association yesterday released the findings of their latest survey of 1000 adults, which found that women actually prefer electronics to diamonds.
by Masha Geller on Nov 8, 12:00 AM
The name of the promotion may sound silly, but it seems to have worked.
by Masha Geller on Nov 7, 12:00 AM
If you’re charged with keeping an eye on webcast audience measurement, your life just got a little less complicated.
by Masha Geller on Nov 6, 12:00 AM
When it comes to online ads, the new mantra is “it’s not the size that matters, it’s how you use it.” At least that’s what Dynamic Logic is saying about skyscrapers.
by Masha Geller on Nov 5, 12:00 AM
I hate to harp on the same subject two days in a row, but yesterday’s missive about email's role in the political process ruffled quite a few reader feathers and deserves a follow-up just to clear the air.
by Masha Geller on Nov 4, 12:00 AM
It’s Election Day, folks, and throughout the day, news anchors, reporters and herds of political analysts will be waxing poetic about the effects of everything from the weather to the color of the voting booth curtains on voter turnout. Unfortunately, I doubt anyone will spend any time talking about email. What does email have to do with elections, you ask?
by Masha Geller on Nov 3, 12:00 AM
While the wireless advertising itself is still nothing to write home about, the latest Nielsen//NetRatings AdRelevance report shows that wireless providers are reaching out to consumers through the Web, with an increasing market share of online advertising.
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