by on Aug 27, 11:57 PM
"Young lady, put down that foam finger. Right now! And what did I say about keeping your tongue in your mouth?" That's a mother/teen daughter interaction that I hope won't be happening in any American households as a result of Miley Cyrus' performance Sunday night on MTV's Video Music Awards.
by on Aug 18, 4:10 PM
Ever have one of those days when you just want to settle in with your vegetable sandwich, snuggle up to your Mom, and rap about aspartame? No? I haven't, either. But that didn't stop the Coca-Cola Company from launching a mysterious one-page newspaper ad providing information about the safety of the fake sweetener last week.
by on Aug 10, 12:23 PM
Backwater areas of prudery still exist in our culture, particularly about female bodily functions. Take menstruation. Now there's a four-syllable term that can clear a room. But as Joan Rivers says, "Grow up!" It's just biology. Still, given all of the built-in resistance that still exists, who could have predicted that the sleeper hit of the season would be "Camp Gyno," a viral video featuring an aggressive 10-year-old girl at camp who, once she gets her period, becomes a menstrual monster.
by on Aug 4, 3:58 PM
I used to be such a fan of Woody Allen's that, to paraphrase one of the inspired bits in "Annie Hall," I didn't just love him, I leafed him, I loofed him, I luurrrved him. But then the super-prolific writer/director auteur "fell in love" with his then-girlfriend Mia Farrow's adopted daughter, Soon-Yi, when he was 56 and she was 20, and a sister to his and Mia's own young biological son. And at that point, I, like a lot of his audience, took a breather from the Woody worship.
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