by on Mar 31, 4:53 PM
Last week, I'd just seen the news that Ivanka Trump had given birth to her third child, a baby boy named Theodore James Kushner, on Easter day. Ivanka released a photo, looking like her very attractive, not overly made-up or coiffed self, in bed in a hospital gown, holding a swaddled, adorable newborn.
by on Mar 24, 6:51 PM
Do you remember the brilliant baptism scene at the end of "The Godfather"? "Do you renounce Satan?" the priest asks Michael from within the church at the end, as we see the blood-spattered corpses littered around town. He does. So forgive me for being overly dramatic, but I couldn't help but think of that scene as I monitored the live Twitter feed of the 4A's Transformation meeting that took place earlier this week in Miami.
by on Mar 17, 6:36 PM
WPP announced Thursday that J.W Thompson CEO Gustavo Martinez, who's enmeshed in an ongoing harassment suit, has resigned and will be replaced by Tamara Ingram. Hallelujah. In so doing, the holding company has come a long way, baby -- maybe about 60 years in 24 hours? Because its initial reaction was chillingly sexist and straight out of the Sterling Cooper playbook.
by on Mar 10, 5:20 PM
Sometimes, when politicians want to energize their followers -- or, to put it less diplomatically, to pander to their audiences -- they are said to throw "red meat" at the base. But leading Republican presidential contender Donald Trump does that on a much more literal basis.
by on Mar 3, 4:44 PM
Last week I was sitting in the back of a cab when we hit a parking-lot-like traffic backup. There was obviously nowhere to move in real space, so I started scouring the deep space in my phone for stuff that I might have otherwise overlooked. In this category was an email that trumpeted "Sheryl Sandberg says this is one of the most powerful ads she's ever seen!" So I clicked on the link and started watching.
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