by on May 28, 11:33 AM
A killer episode that takes a stab at some of Mad Men's major themes, "The Better Half" answers one of the leading existential questions of our time: "Who wears short shorts?"
by on May 24, 2:36 PM
"I'm Anthony Weiner and I'll always be frank with you." One of the few printable responses I received after asking my Facebook friends to come up with appropriate taglines for the disgraced former congressman who has announced his run for mayor of New York City.
by on May 20, 8:02 PM
Called "The Crash," this week's episode reflected a fresh focus for Mad Men: Whores and death and death and whores.
by on May 17, 11:20 AM
Have you noticed that things tend to get more interesting when Kirstie Alley weighs in on a subject and gets bleeped out? "Dude, you're a #(#*#! @@!!!$!," the self-proclaimed "Fat Actress" told "Entertainment Tonight," referring to Michael Jeffries, the CEO of Motherfucker Industries, I mean, Abercrombie & Fitch.
by on May 13, 6:52 PM
Beware the Weiner doctrine: It seems that any unexpected bit of sunshine, energy or pleasure offered one week inevitably brings a downpour of existential gloom and disorientation the next.
by on May 10, 3:21 PM
Last week, I wrote about a series of gag-inducing videos for Mountain Dew. Created by 22-year-old rapper Tyler the Entertainer, the spots were equal parts racism, misogyny, and WTF?
by on May 6, 7:37 PM
"For Immediate Release" refers to the press release that Peggy bangs out on her IBM Selectric in the final electric seconds of the show. After many weeks of existential numbness, this taut and even thrilling episode exploded with the surprise merger of SCDP and CGC and its new, mutually assured plotlines.
by on May 3, 6:10 PM
This week, the third in a series of online videos for Mountain Dew created by a rapper/producer known as Tyler the Creator (see what Cedric started?) was released.
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