by on Dec 31, 5:49 AM
Sadly, 2016 has ended with a tsunami of unexpected celebrity deaths, each shocking and hard to process in its own way.
by on Dec 23, 3:19 PM
"I will be so presidential, you won't believe it," President-elect Trump famously said, regularly, over the course of his campaign. But that pivot has yet to arrive.
by on Dec 16, 2:53 PM
Recently, I caught the tail end, so to speak, of a lavishly produced commercial -- a real holiday showstopper, involving a magical stagecoach, complete with gas lamps on the sides of the old cab, a Marlboro-Man type driver at the reins, and six mighty steeds.
by on Dec 9, 1:41 PM
"Jackie," a movie starring Natalie Portman, is a luminous, visual tone poem that covers our previously unknowable First Lady in the compressed week or so after the JFK assassination on Friday Nov. 22, 1963.
by on Dec 2, 2:42 PM
Is there anything cheesier than a "naughty" Santa? Well, yes. The Fiat "Black Friday Event" commercial manages to pack in so many sexist, culturally tone-deaf, throwback, and cringe-making elements in 30 seconds that it's hard to know where to begin.
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