by on Mar 26, 7:11 PM
The April, 2014 issue of "Vogue" hit newsstands yesterday, proving that the Kim/Kanye cover portrait, so instantly ridiculed on social media last week, was not some fake meme, but rather, for realz. Of course, reality -- along with such terms as "celebrity," "success" and "fashion" -- are slippery concepts, especially with this crowd.
by on Mar 19, 7:48 PM
"I'll take potent potables 'n strange celebrity brews for $200, Alex." Answer: "The Ukraine, 'That '70s Show,' and Jim Beam Whiskey." The Question: "Who is Mila Kunis?"
by on Mar 12, 7:53 PM
It's deliciously fitting that Matthew Weiner, the exacting creator of "Mad Men," chose designer Milton Glaser to create the promotional poster for the AMC series' seventh season, beginning April 13. As the designer of the original 1967 Bob Dylan's "Greatest Hits" poster, Glaser's work became the defining image of the time. That poster, in turn, greatly influenced the graphic design and ad worlds of the late 1960s, the time Weiner has so convincingly recreated with the show.
by on Mar 5, 3:24 PM
Still on a post-Oscars, Samsung-mega-selfie/poignant-botched-surgery/did-that-thing-on-Travolta's-head-perhaps-invade-his-brain bender? Then take a look at this new milk commercial. With its "Milk Life" tagline, and corny vignettes involving perversely spurting bodily fluids, it is so head-scratchingly bad, it'll sober you right up.
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