by on Sep 24, 6:13 PM
Allow me to continue to beat an immensely rich, very stubborn -- but nowhere near-dead -- horse. Obviously, the NFL is in deep trouble over its badly bungled handling of the Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson domestic abuse scandals.
by on Sep 10, 7:50 PM
Apple gave us some bright shiny objects to focus on during one of the grimmest news days in recent memory, with a ghastly tape of a girlfriend-beating playing on a loop all day, and the prospect of world-ending iTrouble (Iraq, Isis) pushing out local election coverage everywhere.
by on Sep 4, 11:43 AM
On the surface, the idea of stealing the naked photos of young female celebrities and releasing them over the Interwebs is so culturally titillating and click-bait-y that the jokes just write themselves. The New York Daily News proclaimed the unveiling of the massive photo hacking scandal as "Bad Nudes for us All!," and called it a "Flesh Mob!"
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