by on Oct 24, 1:55 PM
Pardon me for a minute while I mourn my loss of innocence. It has something to do with a Shakespearean, (or perhaps Arthur Miller-ian) drama involving a bald, big-headed baby, a squealing toddler older brother, and the eternal fight for recognition and human dignity within the family structure. I refer to the You Tube sensation, "Charlie bit my finger," which first surfaced in 2007, a true digital triumph (in the finger sense) on the then fledgling YT channel.
by on Oct 17, 2:55 PM
It could be the best brand makeover I've seen since I first discovered Columbus Circle (by mistake.) As teenagers, my friends and I would take the bus from New Jersey into the "city." And if we ever ventured into that weirdly gray, dirty and dangerous end of the world flanking Midtown and the Upper West Side, we'd try to hotfoot it past its decrepit centerpiece, the Coliseum. I never once thought about the marble statue standing atop a 60-foot granite column in the middle of the (once grand?) traffic circle. (Kind of like the old joke, "Who is buried in …
by on Oct 9, 5:28 PM
He was a college dropout, obsessed with product design and patenting pocket inventions. A visionary and perfectionist with sophisticated tastes, he lived to invent covetable products that would not only change the world, but were also beautiful to look at and easy-to-use.
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