by on Apr 29, 8:17 PM
For all the complaints of the (eroding?) viewership of "Mad Men" this season, "The Flood" was a rock-solid, satisfying episode. It seems the series has found its footing again, as a national tragedy spurs a flood of emotions, epiphanies, and even a few acid jokes.
by on Apr 26, 5:46 PM
Call it "anti-branded content." Because for no known reason, the British automotive brand Jaguar has come in for some really brutish jabs on "Mad Men," the hot AMC series dedicated to the fictional world of advertising in the 1960s.
by on Apr 22, 3:52 PM
You say tomahto, I say tomato. You say catsup, I say ketchup. Within the out-fo-blood prism of "Mad Men," it all comes down to more whoredom, anyway, and then you die!
by on Apr 19, 4:04 PM
The scarily witless and embarrassing tagline for the new KFC boneless chicken product is boneheaded. What a strange way to go about announcing the menu change. It's all about promoting what you didn't eat, rather than praising what you did.
by on Apr 15, 10:02 PM
Called "The Collaborators," the third episode of "Mad Men"'s sixth season illustrated the politics of appeasement and double dealings, as seen in love, war, and the corporate sale of beans.
by on Apr 12, 4:21 PM
Facebook recently launched "Airplane," its second-ever TV spot, via Best Agency in the World (and that's a fact, son!), from Wieden+Kennedy/Portland -- and it's worse than the first ad. Really.
by on Apr 8, 7:06 PM
In this season's opener, we quickly learn that not much has changed, insofar as our antihero, Don Draper, is the type of guy who goes to heaven (Honolulu, with his bikinied TV star wife) but drags his own hell with him ("Dante's Inferno," a tome which we later learn is a gift from his mistress.)
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