by on Feb 28, 1:50 PM
The response to Sheryl Sandberg and Marissa Mayer's work stances shared historical similarities with the latest war on women.
by on Feb 20, 7:53 PM
Right up front, one of the problems with Beyonce's HBO documentary "Life is but a Dream" is that it's called a documentary. Because no matter how compelling a public figure and glam superstar you are, talking close into your MacBook with your-unmade-up (but still flawless) face does not a documentary make.
by on Feb 13, 3:06 PM
It was the lunge seen round the world: Senator Marco Rubio got cottonmouth during his live, televised response to President Obama's State of the Union address. So Rubio suddenly lurched left of camera range to gulp a spot of Poland Spring water.
by on Feb 7, 5:37 PM
Last year, Chrysler won the Super Bowl with a powerful, head-turning spot that seemed to sneak up out of nowhere, as opposed to those prelaunched on social media. Created by Wieden & Kennedy, it featured a grizzled Clint Eastwood delivering a half-time pep talk for America, a message that, as it turned out, could have doubled as an ad for Obama's reelection. In advertising, there's always a pendulum swing. My theory for this year is that Chrysler wanted to repeat the surprise, emotion, and beauty of the previous year's Big Game successes, except this time without the messy excess leftyness.