by on Jan 27, 5:00 PM
As thousands of impassioned, personal and emotional memorials pour in, we can agree that Mary Richards was much more than a sitcom character. She was a mirror and a walking Rorschach test (with a great set of L'Eggs) for one generation of TV-focused Americans -- and the next
by on Jan 20, 8:32 PM
I wanted to write a lighthearted column about the pomp and ceremony of Trump's Inauguration Day -- you know, the clothes, the gaffes, the memes.
by on Jan 13, 10:01 PM
President-Elect Trump's first formal press conference in months was a circus. In his defense, senior advisor Kellyanne Conway announced during an interview that we shouldn't listen to his words, but rather, look at "what's in his heart." There were no MRIs available, but this particular conference was loaded with both visual and verbal cues, some of them unintended, that we can plumb.
by on Jan 6, 7:53 PM
At an otherwise fractious and unpredictable time in American politics and media culture, former Fox anchor Megyn Kelly might be the only person around whose career planets are all aligned brilliantly, at this very moment.
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