• Coffee Mate's 'Unbreak My Break Room' Breaks Through
    Iced coffee in the water fountain is among the breakthroughs in this redesign of a teacher's lounge, part of brand content starring Brent Staples.
  • Shoutout To Roku, Selling Streaming Via Screaming
    "Where's the Remote?" shows a family who speak at a volume known to cause heart palpitations.
  • Picturing The President
    Compare the female president in Donna Karan's "In Women We Trust," to Kamala Harris, and the 1993 campaign seems eerily prescient.
  • Kate McKinnon Goes Electric For Philips Sonicare
    McKinnon plays Susan Toothbrush, who comes "through walls to help people make better decisions about their oral healthcare."
  • 90 Minutes Into Debate, Walz Lands KO
    When Vance said he was "focused on the future," Walz called that a "damning non-answer" to his query about Trump losing in 2020.
  • Beyonce for Levi's? Flawless
    Beyonce walks into a "Launderette," in a redo of the 1986 British original that elevated jean sales for the year by 800%.
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