Can A Green City Be Sold?
    This scenario belies an innovation challenge for cities looking to establish themselves as green leaders. So what is the key to building a strong green brand for a city? And is it worth the trouble?
    A Green Christmas?
    The Christmas tree lobby fights tooth and nail over the greenness of its respective industries. Does anyone else get a sense that "green" is the last thing on marketer's minds over the holidays? If so, they certainly might be missing something that other marketers' have seemed to notice: consumers do in fact want a green Christmas.
    Greening Your Mail Can Keep You In The Black
    Now is the time to take a realistic look at your company's green initiatives and ask whether or not the practices undertaken are "evergreen" -- promoting not only environmental sustainability, but also sound business practices and solid return on investment so as to be sustainable in good economic conditions as well as bad.
    Warming Up To Systemic Change
    New reports raise the temperature on environmental change.
    How The Spend Shift Helps Save The Planet
    A new kind of green is sweeping the country. Today's "greens" are not back-to-nature extremists with composting toilets. Instead, they are Americans of every stripe who find tangible benefits out of doing good. They are also businesspeople whose products and services generate more sales, and profit -- another kind of green -- because they can be branded eco-friendly.
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